Shree Parampara Gurukul International Schools


Shree Parampara Gurukul has a 4 step admissions process requiring documents like Aadhar card, photos, age proof and transfer certificate. Admissions follow counselling, test and interaction with parents and students.


Age eligibility for Admission:

Class 1 to 3 – 7 Years
Class 4 to 5 – 9 years
Class 6 to 8 – 12 years

+(91) - 7639436158

The Path to Self Discovery

The process


Filling Application Form

Students fill out an application form at the school campus to start the admissions process.


Attend Counselling

Students take a campus tour, online test, and interact with parents and staff during the counselling session.


Confirmation Of Admission

The school confirms admission after reviewing the student's application and counselling.


Registration Of Admission

Finally, the student completes admission registration after confirmation to officially join the school.

Required enrollment documents

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